Fill out this form to add your links to our site. Please also link back to us. Thank you!
This page is dedicated to our great customers who have the greatest pets I have ever seen. Please send us our your pictures, and we will post them. We love our customers, and want to debut your pets. The reason we exist is to give your pets good quality food at a price you can afford. Without you we farm nothing. Thank you for your business. Enough of the mushy stuff, let's see pictures.
This is Jude Fitch's site.
A great customer and friend. Stop in a check out her site.
High End Herps Great Reptile site. Beautiful high end leopard geckos at great prices.
Here are some pictures by our customer Brenda of her frogs here, and her site at
Check out some great pictures byJim Hail. They are some of the best I have seen.
Check out some of Jim's pictures here.
Here is a link to a very nice reptile site and person. Please tell them I said hello when you stop in.
Our first picture is from Taina and Cliff. They have two wonderful lizards, and they let us know they are awaiting their feeders with this great picture. Click Here for their site Nice Bearded Dragons For Sale!
Check out
The Lizard Wizard if you are looking for some really healthy, quality